

Build new
and lasting

customer relationships

What are your challenges?

Staying in trend

To keep up with trends, improving staff skills and consulting clients
in detail are a must.

Sharing schedules

Staying on top of trainings and seminars to improve skills is necessary but difficult.

Customer satisfaction

Keeping your staff motivated to improve service quality and
make clients happier.

LINE WORKS helps you solve your business challenges

Always in trend,
with mobile device to
exchange beauty tips
The beauty industry is ever-changing, with new trends and styles coming one after another. Share the latest trends on LINE WORKS Message and boards. The physical distance can’t stop you from staying in trend as you can exchange information and make communication available across staffs.

quo  最新データをアップしたことを通知すれば多くの社員がすぐに確認できるので、会社が発信する重要な情報が、以前と比べてスピーディに周知されるようになったことを感じています。 教育担当者は教育を受ける側の社員とともにグループを作り、カラーリングレシピを写真とともに解説するなど、LINE WORKS導入後は美容技術に関するナレッジ共有も活発になっています。quo

横沼 大介さん
Manage client visits and share staff schedules
in easy steps
Use LINE WORKS Calendar to stay on top of staff schedules. You can add schedules such as trainings and events in the Calendar to keep track in the future and inform clients accurately. Also, record details on services performed on each client to use as a reference for better services in the future.

quo  併設しているネイルスクールの休校日や、ネイルデザインの撮影スケジュールをカレンダーの「会社カレンダー」に入れて共有しています。会社カレンダーに入れることで、全スタッフがスマホからいつでも簡単にスケジュールを確認できるため、スケジュール確認や調整がとても効率的になりました。quo

株式会社SyiSyu 代表
伊藤 智恵子さん
Connect your staffs
to grow customer satisfaction
Share information on point to provide quality services to clients. By connecting to the customers’ LINE and communicating 1:1, you can grow customer relationships and loyalty as a result. Replace your phone, SMS, and postcard with LINE WORKS and stay connected with your clients.

quo  Discussing how the utilize cosmetics according to different treatment methods and customers’ conditions, had previously only been done through meetings, with time delays and lack of details. However, with LINE WORKS, those missed information could be shared in real-time with all employees, which subsequently led to an improvement of the quality of procedures. quo

Chief Human Resources Officer
Kazuma Osugi



Trusted by the world's leading businesses of all sizes


Reserve Tech forLINE WORKS
LINEの利便性はそのままにLINE友達を顧客として管理でき 予約管理・顧客管理・来店促進が加わったサービスです。
専用のカレンダーに確定したシフトを入力すれば、わざわざ店舗に足を運ばなくても、各自のLINE WORKSのカレンダ

Ready to stay on-trend and

build lasting customer