

Support fast
accurate treatment

even at a distance

What are your challenges?

Staff communications

Takes time and effort to collaborate with staff always on the move.

Responding to emergencies

Sharing the right information on time is a must but challenging.

Handling medical record

Secure communication tools are needed to exchange patient information in medical settings.

LINE WORKS helps you solve your business challenges

Seamless communication
of staffs from all over
With LINE WORKS, communicate well with colleagues even in an environment where all staffs work in shifts or different places. Unlike email and phone calls, LINE WORKS Message enables casual communication and also makes reporting, consulting, and handing over duties easier.

quo  普段は、みんな在宅医療で外に出ています。出先で判断を迫られた場合は、担当の主治医に直接メッセージが届きます。既読にならない時はLINE WORKSでビデオ通話をします。必ずスマホを持っていますので、大体5分から10分以内につながることができます。

また、診療に出かけたままクリニックに戻らず直接情報共有ができなかった場合でも、患者様の当日あったことをまとめてLINE WORKSに載せて、全員が見られます。quo

医療法人賛永会 さつきホームクリニック


Accurate communication
to save a life from a distance
Get a full picture of the medical scenes in real-time with LINE WORKS. For any problems during a home visit, inform your team of the situation by calling or messaging and get answers on the next steps. You can send pictures or connect via video call in case of a situation beyond words.

quo  Even as we were heading to the site in an ambulance, the wireless information coming from Chiba’s Fire Department was shared via LINE WORKS. Upon arrival at the site, the members shared in real-time, all the necessary information and photos with those who were not on-site. By exchanging details of the rapidly changing situation in the field, even the members who were not on-site or at home, could figure out the circumstances and determine the type of responses to take. quo

Department of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine
Dr. Taka-aki Nakada
Share sensitive medical records under protection
Protect medical data with LINE WORKS, a cloud service with industry-leading protection that encrypts and stores data securely. Administrators can minimize the risk of information leakage by giving the right access to each user. Save your data under protection to provide the best medical services.

quo   LINE WORKSは、LINEと同様直感的な操作性に加え、監査機能によりログの検証もできるなど、セキュリティ面でも安心感があることなどを評価して採用を決めました。最大のポイントは、投稿がすべてサーバーに保存され、そのサーバーが日本国内にあることです。もし何かあっても、サーバーに必ずログが残っているため、証跡を確実に押さえることができます。LINE WORKS以外の選択肢は考えられませんでした。quo




Trusted by the world's leading businesses of all sizes


医療法人賛永会 さつきホームクリニック
LINE WORKSを使うことで、全ての行動・決断がスピーディーになっていくので、より多くの患者様を受け入れていきたいウチの在宅医療には欠かせない非常に重要なツールです。
LINE WORKS導入後は、サービスを提供したホームヘルパーが、別のホームヘルパーに申し送り事項や当日の状況をトークで伝えようとする意識が根づきました。
医療法人社団健育会 ひまわり在宅サポートグループ

Ready to provide the best
patient treatment

while minimizing risks?