

Reach more prospects

with a personal touch

What are your challenges?

Staying aligned

Having difficulties with shift changes and informing tardiness in case of emergencies.

Informing everyone

Important information shared by headquarters rarely reaches frontline workers.

Customer relationships

Hard time maintaining a good
relationship with customers.

LINE WORKS helps you solve your business challenges

Better work environment means happier customers
Customer experiences are shaped by your staff. For better services, you must prepare your store with the right staffing. Visualize schedules in the Calendar and establish a flexible work environment using Message. Keep your staff connected to better serve your customers.

quo  各人の希望を手書きで転記しながらまとめていた頃と比べて、シフト調整に要する時間が週平均5~8時間、多いときで月40時間ほど短縮されています。回答が遅いスタッフへの再通知も手軽にできるようになり、業務負荷が大幅に軽減しました。 また、突発的に出勤できなくなったスタッフが、代わりに勤務できるスタッフを探したりする際に活用されています。quo

コンビニ事業部 部長
勝屋 勇太さん
Stay informed
and grow as a team

For the positions with frequent member changes, sharing information must be seamless and up to speed. Post manuals on boards to make information available at any time. Also, exchange know-how of best stores and the latest trends across different branches to promote sales growth.

quo 一番のメリットは投稿が残り、後からでも振り返れることです。たとえば、メディア掲載のお知らせや売店の新商品紹介、LINE WORKSの使い方のルールなどを発信し、スタッフがどのような情報に関心があるかを見ています。一番、既読率が高く速いのはお客さまの口コミの共有です。昔は回覧や紙の掲示物として出していたのですが、LINE WORKSだと写真を貼ればよいので即時性を担保できます。 quo

杉山 慎吾さん
Lasting customer
for successful business
LINE WORKS allows you to connect with customers who use LINE. You can inform customers of events and sales promotions directly to their LINE and respond to inquiries in real-time on Message. Build connections that last, growing customer loyalty and increasing sales as a result.

quo  Using the ‘Connection to LINE’ feature, we are using LINE when communicating our the customers. During the consultation, we ask ‘is It okay to send related information through LINE WORKS?’. With this question, many of the clients gladly accept the suggestion and tell us their LINE account. Since we can immediately check the message delivered through LINE on LINE WORKS, faster communication with the clients is possible. quo

Sato Ayaka



Trusted by the world's leading businesses of all sizes


LINEとLINE WORKS間でグループチャットができることの意義

Ready to reach more prospects
to grow your business?